Call/Text 805-494-1414 [email protected]

Professional Fertility Support from Personal Experience

If you are struggling to cope with feelings of frustration, loss and relationship challenges that can result in difficulty with conceiving or from the difficult process of going through infertility treatments, we can offer you caring and guided support.

Having personally experienced infertility and its effects, we have developed a unique program that will help you feel more empowered, in control, and at peace with the options, decisions and challenges you may be facing.

We can help you increase your clarity about your choices and options. This can be done in our office or over the phone depending on your specific needs, location and preferences.

Having traveled this road personally and with hundreds of women and couples over the past 15 years, we can help guide you down the path to parenthood. We will be there to support you through the roller coaster ride and help you explore and access all the options available to you.

Sara Rector has developed a specialized treatment plan for people going through infertility procedures that uses positive imagery and intention. This can help you feel more empowered, more in control and at peace.

She has also helped people healing pregnancy loss by developing personalized recovery programs.

Levels of Care

Psychological Evaluations
The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the donor or surrogate’s motivation, stability, support system, and to screen for underlying mental illness or issues.  The evaluation also assesses the donor or surrogate’s level of understanding of medical procedures, time commitment, possible physical and psychological risks, and the impact on their lives.

Products and Resources
Downloadable audio files covering many aspects of infertility. For individuals and couples who want to gather more information privately or at their own convenience.

Telephone or in-person consults are available to assist in decision making and treatment transitions.

Group Therapy

For individuals who want to connect with other people going through the same process to offer understanding, information and support.

Individual Therapy
A more in-depth exploration of choices and treatment transitions and a developing of increased coping skills and reduction of anxiety, depression and isolation.

Couples Therapy
For couples needing assistance to resolve, understand and enhance their relationship.

For Fertility Professionals
Sara’s CDs are also available for purchase by Fertility Professionals in packages of 20 CD’s tucked into a counter display, ready to place on a countertop location.

Text, call or email Sara for a free telephone consultation
Email is [email protected] or text/call (805) 494-1414 
We look forward to hearing from you!